Health Information Management (HIM)
Ensuring our patients' health information and records are complete, accurate, and protected at the Cattaraugus Indian Reservation Health Center (CIRHC), Community Health and Wellness Center (CHWC) and at the Lionel R. John Health Center (LRJHC).
Medical Records
What is a medical record?
A complete record of a patient’s key clinical data and medical history, such as demographics, vital signs, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, progress notes, problems, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, and laboratory and test results. The medical record is comprised of medical notes made by a physician, nurse, lab technician, consulting providers or any other member of a patient’s healthcare team. The Seneca Nation Health System (SNHS) uses an electronic health record (EHR), which is set up to ensure that medical charts are complete and accurate. Think of it as a digital version of a patient’s paper medical chart, a real-time record that makes health information available instantly and securely to authorized users. The use of an EHR at the SNHS ensures that our health care providers will be alerted to any missing, incomplete, or possibly inaccurate medical charts.
Access to Medical Record(s):
- Access to Medical Records follows strict regulations, guidelines and policies.
- The SNHS receives hundreds of requests for medical records and they are only released if all guidelines are followed.
- The use of your Medical Records is described in the SNHS Notice of Privacy Practices.
- If you would like a copy of your medical record, please contact the Health Information Management Department.
- Click here for Release of Information form.
Due to COVID-19, in order to keep social distancing we will accept medical record requests via e-mail. Please understand that you will be sending the Release of Information form to us over regular e-mail, not secure e-mail. To request your records in this manner:
- Fill out the Release of Information form (click here for form).
- You may print out the form, sign it, and then e-mail it to us. Or, you may type in all of the information and then e-mail it to us.
- When filling out the form, please let us know if you would like the records faxed, mailed, or if you will be picking them up at the front desk. As a reminder, you can call when you arrive to have your information request brought to you curb-side so you do not need to enter the building.
- For CIRHC/CHWC please e-mail the request to:
- For LRJHC please e-mail the request to:
- Please wait for 24 hours after sending the e-mail before calling the Health Information Management Department at the respective locations to ensure we have received your request.
- Once your request is verified, we will process the request using our normal procedures.
HIPAA/Privacy & Security
What is HIPAA?
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve portability and continuity of health insurance coverage in the group and individual markets, to combat waste, fraud, and abuse in health insurance and health care delivery, to promote the use of medical savings accounts, to improve access to long-term care services and coverage, to simplify the administration of health insurance and for other purposes.
What is the Privacy Rule?
The Privacy Rule assures that individuals’ health information is properly protected while allowing the flow of health information needed to provide and promote high quality health care and to protect the public’s health and well-being. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published a final Privacy Rule in December 2000, which was later modified in August 2002. This rule set national standards for the protection of individually identifiable health information by three types of covered entities: health plans, health care clearinghouses, and health care providers who conduct the Privacy Rule was required as of April 14, 2003 (April 14, 2004, for small health plans.)
What is the Security Rule?
The HIPAA Security Rule establishes national standards to protect individuals’ electronic personal health information that is created, received, used, or maintained by a covered entity. The Security Rule requires appropriate administrative, physical and technical safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and security of electronic protected health information; HHS published a final Security Rule in February 2003. This Rule sets national standards for protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic protected health information. Compliance with the Security Rule was required as of April 20, 2005 (April 20, 2006 for small health plans).
Notice of Privacy Practices
Your health care provider and health plan must give you a notice that tells you how they may use and share your health information. It must also include your health privacy rights. In most cases, you should receive the notice on your first visit to a provider or in the mail from your health plan. You can also ask for a copy at any time or review using the link below.
Components of the Notice of Privacy Practices:
- Must state how the Privacy Rule allows provider to use and disclose protected health information. It must also explain that your permission (authorization) is necessary before your health records are shared for any other reason.
- The organization’s duties to protect health information privacy.
- Your privacy rights, including the right to complain to HHS and to the organization if you believe your privacy rights have been violated.
- How to contact the organization for more information or to make a complaint.
Click here for the Notice of Privacy Practices
Contact Information
Cattaraugus Indian Reservation Health Center (716) 532-5582 x3238
Lionel R. John Health Center (716) 945-5894 x3238